About the show
I dabbled in poetry in high school and into my early 20's but then stopped writing for almost 20 years. A few years ago, a number of personal issues came to a head and I had no real choice but to face them and start working through them. As part of that working through them, I began writing poetry again and it has become a very powerful and effective tool for me in rediscovering and reconnecting with myself, which is at the heart of my recovery. In The Poet (delayed), I'll share some of my poetry and discuss it with different guests. But the real point of the podcast is to use my poetry to start conversations about trauma, healing and personal growth.
The Poet (delayed) on social media
Episode 6: On Pain by Khalil Gibran
June 15th, 2022 | Season 1 | 47 mins 2 secs
authenticity, poetry, self discovery suffering
In this episode, I read Khalil Gibran’s passage on pain from his book, The Prophet and discuss pain, including discomfort and fear, and the impact it’s had in my life. I also, discuss ways that I’ve found to work through pain such as finding meaning in it.
Episode 5: "Emperor Concerto," II
June 14th, 2022 | Season 1 | 37 mins 52 secs
authenticity, beethoven, healing power of music, poetry, self discovery, the king sisters
In this episode, I read my poem, “Emperor Concerto, II” and I’m joined by Ric de Azevedo as we discuss the power of music.
Episode 4: Unconditional
June 8th, 2022 | Season 1 | 47 mins 16 secs
death of parent, mothers, sons, unconditional love
In this episode, I read my poem, “Unconditional” and then talk with my Aunt Kash about mothers and “unconditional love.”
Episode 3: Forgotten Walls
June 2nd, 2022 | Season 1 | 54 mins 20 secs
change, failure, personal growth, sisyphus
I read my poem "Forgotten Walls" and discuss it with my guest, Josh Baron.
Episode 2: [Ignorant before the heavens of my life] by Rainer Maria Rilke
June 1st, 2022 | Season 1 | 28 mins
change, hero’s journey, poetry, rilke
Read and discuss Rilke’s [Ignorant before the heavens of my life]
Episode 1: Episode 1: The Poet’s Call
May 24th, 2022 | Season 1 | 36 mins 52 secs
poetry, recovery, self discovery
Introduction to the Podcast.